# SR! transitions Act One


By purchasing this item, you'll get a .zip file containing a bunch of tracks including the incidental music (transitions and scene changes) from Something Rotten! Act One.

Please check a sample below, as well as the list of the 11 tracks included on this package:

[widgetic-compact-mp3-player id=624317ececb2a1434c8b4569 autoscale=on width=350 height=50 resize=fill-width]

1. Overture (0'36'')
2. Welcome To The Renaissance - Playoff (0'31'')
3. God, I Hate Shakespeare - Playoff (0'19'')
4. Nick And Bea's Flat (0'14'')
5. A Musical - Tag (0'28'')
6. Brother Jeremiah (0'22'')
7. Portia And Nigel Meet (0'32'')
8. Black Death Incidental (0'16'')
9. Will Power - Playoff  (0'14'')
10. Shakespeare's After-Party (0'43'')
11. Shakespeare Incidental (0'35'')